My good friend Michael Hill who recently graduated from Texas A&M Kingsville has been studying and presenting research on this area for years. It was his knowledge and experience that made this post possible.
The animation below shows the years: 1995, 2003, 2008, 2011
gif of dune movement
Dune field, mudflats, and barrier island
Geologist Michael Hill at the dune field, July 2012
You can find it yourself on Google Earth using these coords: 27°00'00.00"N 97°40'00.00"W
More info: Kenedy Ranch
Michael has given me permission to share his poster which can be found here and he can be reached for questions regarding his research at:
Michael has given me permission to share his poster which can be found here and he can be reached for questions regarding his research at:
Check back in two weeks to see a before and after from 2012's most talked about hurricane.